性 别:男
职 称:教授,博导
学 历:博士
学 位:工学博士
电 话:13377877831
邮 箱:tujianwei@whut.edu.cn
[1] Gao, K., Xie, H., Li, Z., Zhang, J., & Tu, J. (2021). Study on eccentric behavior and serviceability performance of slender rectangular concrete columns reinforced with GFRP bars. Composite Structures, 263, 113680.
[2] Marcelo Valarezo Tandazo, C., & Wei Tu, J. (2020). Research on vibration control for glass fiber reinforced polymer reinforced concrete (GFRP RC) frames subject to seismic loading. Composite Structures, 113290.
[3] Hajjaj, M. M., & Tu, J. (2021). A seismic metamaterial concept with very short resonators using depleted uranium. Archive of Applied Mechanics, 91(5), 2279–2300.
[4] Tu, J., Xie, H., & Gao, K. (2020). Prediction of the Long-Term Performance and Durability of GFRP Bars under the Combined Effect of a Sustained Load and Severe Environments. Materials, 13(10), 2341.
[5] Zhao, Q., Tu, J., Han, W., Wang, X., & Chen, Y. (2020). Hydration Properties of Portland Cement Paste with Boron Gangue. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, 2020, 1–9.
[6] Zhang, J., Li, Z., Gao, K., & Liu, M. (2019). Research on actuation performance of macro fiber composites based on third order shear deformation theory. Smart Materials and Structures.
[7] Tu, J., Xie, H., Gao, K., Li, Z., & Zhang, J. (2019). Durability Prediction of GFRP Rebar Based on Elastic Modulus Degradation. Frontiers in Materials, 6.
[8] Zhang, J., Tu, J., Li, Z., Gao, K., & Xie, H. (2019). Modeling on Actuation Behavior of Macro-Fiber Composite Laminated Structures Based on Sinusoidal Shear Deformation Theory. Applied Sciences, 9(14), 2893.
[9] Tu, J., Li, Z., Zhang, J., Gao, K., Liao, J., & Gao, J. (2019). Development, Test, and Mechanical Model of the Leak-Proof Magnetorheological Damper. Frontiers in Materials, 6.
[10] Tu, J., Gao, K., He, L., & Li, X. (2018). Experimental study on the axial compression performance of GFRP-reinforced concrete square columns. Advances in Structural Engineering, 22(7), 1554–1565.
[11] Gao, K., Li, Z., Zhang, J., Tu, J., & Li, X. (2019). Experimental Research on Bond Behavior Between GFRP Bars and Stirrups-Confined Concrete. Applied Sciences, 9(7), 1340.
[12] Tu, J. W., Guo, D. L., Mei, S. T., Jiang, H. C., & Li, X. P. (2015). Three-parameter Weibull distribution model for tensile strength of GFRP bars based on experimental tests. Materials Research Innovations, 19(sup5), S5–1191–S5–1196.
[13] Tu, J. W., Yu, Y., Huang, L., Tu, B., & Xu, J. Y. (2014). Research on new type viscoelastic damper based on MRE smart material: design, experiment and modelling. Materials Research Innovations, 18(sup2), S2–243–S2–249.
[14] Tu, J. W., Tu, B., Mei, S. T., Huang, L., & Xu, J. Y. (2014). Research on new type MRE isolator and its mechanical model. Materials Research Innovations, 18(sup2), S2–552–S2–558.
[15] Tu, J., Lin, X., Tu, B., Xu, J., & Tan, D. (2014). Simulation and experimental tests on active mass damper control system based on Model Reference Adaptive Control algorithm. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 333(20), 4826–4842.
[16] Tu, J. W., Liu, J., Qu, W. L., Zhou, Q., Cheng, H. B., & Cheng, X. D. (2011). Design and Fabrication of 500-kN Large-scale MR Damper. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 22(5), 475–487.
[17] Tu, J.-W., Qu, W.-L., & Jing Chen. (2008). An Experimental Study on Semi-active Seismic Response Control of a Large-span Building on Top of Ship Lift Towers. Journal of Vibration and Control, 14(7), 1055–1074.
[18] Zhong, Y., Tu, J., Yu, Y., Xu, J., & Tan, D. (2017). Temperature compensation in viscoelastic damper using magnetorheological effect. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 398, 39–51.
[19] Zhong, Y., Tu, J. W., Que, G., Tu, B., & Xu, J. Y. (2016). Analysis and Control of the Coupled Vibration Between the Ship Lift and Ship Chamber. International Journal of Civil Engineering, 14(5), 307–324.
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